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It's a snow day today in North Carolina. I woke up this morning to a bright white ground and decided that I would have a vacation in my bed for the whole day. Productivity? Not so much. Watching movies, reading, and catching up on my general mental health well-being? Yes. Part of me missed living on campus because all of my lovely friends had a fun snowball fight on the soccer field, but it was nice hanging out with my roommate and hanging out with my boyfriend...pillow for the day.
I'm beginning to really love twenty-ten. I've been hanging out with people who were once quasi-friends and acquaintances and I have to say, getting to know them more and hang out with them more has been incredibly rewarding. For example:
This is Sheryl. I've known her since I was a freshman and she was a sophomore. We've done theatre together and hung out in major groups, but I had never really sat down and had a conversation with her. But lately I've been hanging out with her more, and she just amazes me. She is one of the strongest, smartest, and most inspirational people I know, right down to her funky tops and quick-as-a-whip hilarity. We've been bonding over our love for TOMS shoes, coffee, and our killer dance moves. She's amazing because she's so grounded and so determined to do great things through humanitarian work and go to places that aren't as fortunate as we are. Sheryl's one of those people who surprises you every day and makes you pretty grateful to know that you're friends. Hopefully we'll be having more coffee dates in the near future.
I hope everyone had a great snow day. Stay warm, y'all!
It's rainy today and I'm feeling a tad dreary today myself. However, the positives do outweigh the negatives:
+It's Thursday which means all my shows are coming on (I'll have to watch them tomorrow...rehearsal)
+Since I only had bio this morning, after library work I am going to treat myself to Starbucks
+I had the best talk with Brittany during biology, so it made the class all the more lively
Sometimes it really is the little things.
P.S. Thanks for the picture, Kellie Lynne :)
It seriously happens every single break. Ever since I was little up until now, I've always gotten a tad bit emotional on the last day of break. I'm sitting in bed, wallowing on the precious hours of freedom I have left to read what I want, stay up until four a.m (not doing schoolwork), happily dashing from one friend's place to the next, and lounging in my comfy bed until three in the afternoon. Technically at 12:16 a.m it's Tuesday. Wednesday brings the start of another semester that will just fly.This semester I'm assistant stage managing Kabuki Lady Macbeth (saying "Macbeth" is supposed to be off-limits, but what about typing? No idea), doing my thesis (aieeeee), and trying to figure out my life/summer plans. Oh, and p.s., I'm a student too.
I know I shouldn't be wallowing because I have had one of the most eye-opening breaks, filled with lots of amazing conversation, realizations, and a lot of laughter. I shouldn't be that sad because really, on Wednesday while I'm glancing at my Chaucer syllabus on the way to the Hive, I'll run intooooooo:

My friends. I've missed them so, so much. If I could post a million pictures of their beautiful faces, I would. I'm so excited to catch up over coffee, moan about assignments, and have late night should-be-study-sessions-but-really-we-have-girl-talk-time in the library. Ready set, gooooooo....!
New Year, new resolutions. I figured instead of making lists of many "I will not's," I figured I'd change them to a lot of positive "I will's:"
+I will run three times every week-even if I don't want to.
+I will finally, finally, finally hang up my pictures in my room to make it more permanent.
+I will attempt to be more organized.
+When I get stressed out, I'll do something constructive (like go to the gym, writing, online shopping, etc.) instead of stress eating/biting my fingernails (even though Cookout's milkshakes could totally solve the world's problems).
+I will try to get things done in a more timely fashion and let go of my very best buddy, Procrastination.
+I will make more "me time" and take some every day.
+I will try to be more patient.
+I will try to be less on-edge and not over-analyze everything.
+I will stay in better touch with my sister.
+I will check my bad moods at the door before I go do fun things--and then it'll probably vanish because I'll be in awesome company :)
+I will wear my "love sweater" in tough situations, even though I may not want to.
+I will live in the moment.
+I will find something good about every single day.
+I will volunteer to drive more. And take out the trash more.