Hello from DC! I fall more in love with this city each time I return to it. So far Amy, Kasey, Meghan, Louisa, and I have been hanging out and having some fun adventures in the city (though we miss Kellie, Catie, Lindsay, and Sam!). We went to the Newseum today (which was awesome) and got to tour the Library of Congress (which made me wish that our library at MC was that big). I love how transportation friendly DC is, and I love that it is the center of all things political. Though we've seen some really cool things so far, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. We're going to the Holocaust museum, and I'm really excited-not that I find what happened exciting, but the museum is just stunning. It was my favorite part about last year and I'm sure it will continue to take the number one spot. I got to see the actual concentration camps in Germany when I was eighteen and seeing the enormity of the horrific events that took place was eye-opening. This museum does it justice; the one part that always makes me cry is the children's section.
My group of friends have had some great laughs over the past few days. So here's to some more hilarious ones!

awww...I'm so glad to hear that you're having fun, KiKi!!!! :D I miss you so much! Skype date soon? Love you, beautiful!