I have a pretty addictive personality. I remember when I was eight I went through a phase of eating strawberry Gushers until my insides were probably screaming from all of that processed sugar. There was age nine, when I was obsessed with all things Sailor Moon and developed a rather scary collection of the dolls. Soon there was age ten when Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, and Oreos took over my world. Nowadays, these are my current "can't-let-go-of-them's..."
1) Coffee: I'm serious, I think I have a problem. I used to yell at my mom and dad all the time, saying that when they were on their second cup that their kidneys were going to secrete unnecessary fluid and that they were going to get liver failure from all of the caffeine, etc. Now look at me. I wake up in the morning and seriously have the dopiest smile on my face while I make my morning cuppa with the splash of hazelnut. I get shivers when I hear the whirl of the Starbucks machine happily churning out my skinny vanilla latte. I tried to go without for one day and ended up with a serious caffeine headache, a dose of crankiness, and the need to burst out crying when a girl came into class with Royal Bean. Kasey, I apologize for making fun of your obsessiveness with Diet Coke. I understand now.
2) Target: Last week I went to this mecca four days in a row. Don't judge me. Please.
3) Health magazines and calorie-counting: I mean, it's not like I eat healthier now. There really isn't a fruit or vegetable that I hate, so I never have a problem eating them. But lately I'm just curious to see what the contents of my meal holds. Did you know that pickle chips have fifty calories per chip? Bet you didn't. Bet you were living happily before you knew that. Bet you don't care. Bet you think I'm crazy. You're right.
4) The gym: This is actually one that I'm relatively okay with. I say "relatively" because two weeks ago when I was running late to hip-hop, I took out my rage on an unsuspecting slow driver ahead of me because I was agitated at the thought of not getting my spot on the floor...only to find out that this person was quite old. Needless to say I was a little ashamed. But really? I'm finding that I have a liking for this new chum called Endorphins. I feel better. I feel like I look better. And I like the fact that one week I feel out of breath at a toning session but in the next week I can keep up.
5) Being a senior: My good buddy Kristin and I justify every moment of procrastination with, "I'm a senior," followed by singing the Lil' Wayne song, "I'm Goin' In." It used to feel weird but now I love it. And I love the bonding we're going to have during Corn. Speaking of...
6) Corn: I. AM. SO. EXCITED. 'Nough said.
7) The fact that after this year I'm starting a new chapter: The fact that I'm addicted to this idea makes me realize that I've grown a lot. I'm not so nervous anymore, rather just really, really, hella excited.
8) Itunes: Bye, bye, bank account...
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