I figured a post about my mom would eventually find its way into this here blog. So here it is:
Mom/Mommy/"YOU-stop stalking my friends on Facebook!",
I do not say this enough but I am a lucky, lucky girl. I have a constant cheerleader whose immediate willingness to claw at anyone who doubts or messes with her daughters always amazes me. I am quite lucky to have you for a best friend, one who can make me laugh within the first five seconds. I appreciate everything you do, from driving thirty minutes to merely hand off your sickly child a bottle of Ginger Ale to listening to me gripe about how irritating life is to always making sure I have decent denim. Most importantly, though, I appreciate how giving you are to others-I've never seen you turn away from a friend in need, yours or mine. It's something that I'll take with me for the rest of my life. I never grow tired of our dates, and always look forward to those Saturday mornings at Mimi's Cafe,where you will talk to me, order pancakes (sans the bacon) with me, and fill me in on the latest drama-fest that is The Housewives of ________ County.
I love you.
This is just adorable. Don't you just LOVE mommies?!? :)