Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ken Cen, oh hey!

I've been in DC for three days now. All I can really say is oh. My. God.

I feel like I could cry, I am so happy. I'm learning so much each day--my head is buzzing after nine hours in the beautiful building that is the Kennedy Center.

Gary Garrison, the man with many famous, fabulous, and intelligent hats said it best on day one: "Wake the fuck up and be the artist that you know you want to be. There is no time. You must be it now."

The people here are so accepting, sweet, cool, unique, and different from the people I know at home. I feel like I've known them for my whole life. We have this thing in common, this need to write everything down and turn the everyday into something powerful. I have never felt so inspired.


  1. "You must be it now."

    I needed to hear that tonight.

    So proud of you <3

  2. so incredibly proud of you and sending all my love your way. you are one of the biggest heroes in my life. work hard and learn much.
