Merry Christmas, my North Carolina chums! I hope all of you have had a wonderful day curled up by fires with eggnog and candycanes and fat Santa Claus men at your doorstep. My Christmas was spent traveling to the state where my absolute favorite dessert in the entire world is made: buckeyes. Yes, I am in the state of Ohio where we are gathering for the annual family fest. This is not just a simple get together by any means. No, no, this usually involves fights over who pays the dinner check, building something for my aunt's school (my cousin Divya and I broke a ready-made shelf last year), and someone usually gets sent to the emergency room (my dad was the victim last year. For slipping on ice. While wearing his standard argyle socks with sandals). But you know, no matter how many times Divya and I can make jokes about the family and what chaos will ensue during this visit, I look forward to it every year. Because when we are together, there are so many stories and laughs and screaming that it just practically makes me burst with holiday joy (as sappy as that sounds).
After a short flight to Charlotte, I got on the next plane to Ohio. I must say, I always have interesting plane stories. Last year I tripped over a trashcan that sent me careening into the men's bathroom in the airport, and the year before I fell on the straight escalator thing that is supposedly faster than just walking. This time, I was hit on by a thirty-six year old seat mate who asked if I was a student (yes), single (yes...I should've said no, a la Taylor Swift, I realize), and then replied, "I am too. I am still waiting to find my person." And then stared at me. And realize, I was in the very back of the plane, the absolute asscrack of this flying metal can, so I was already Grinch-cranky. This just about sent me into overdrive. And yet, now that I'm with my cousin, I can laugh about it. After getting an invite to a Texas concert from this man, I somehow made it off the plane and officially on Ohio territory.
My Christmas/post-21 presents include a wine glass, cocktail book, jewelry, and a Nebraska shirt (Div goes to UNL). Pictures will follow, because the wine glass is adorable. The best parts of the night? Finally getting to hug my grandfather (my Thatha), and him asking me if we could play Scrabble sometime (he will kick my ass), going to Friendly's for late-night sundaes with Divya, and watching hysterical Youtube videos with my aunts and uncles. It almost makes up for the fact that my daddy, brother, and stepmom are in DC right now celebrating with other fam.
Tonight's thought? Love your family and friends. Not just on Christmas, though. Everyday. Because if I didn't appreciate them the way I did, things like this wouldn't be possible:

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