Thursday, February 25, 2010

Stopping and Starting

There are days when things just don't stop. Or rather, I don't stop. I just keep going and going and going, be it with school or work or my thesis...sometimes even fun things like socializing can be a chore. So today, I stopped. I stopped and came straight home after I got done at 1:30. I made myself some lunch (a delicious toasted sandwich and a huge bowl of grilled veggies) and just chilled out while I cooked.

Then I started again. Only this time with something that I love doing: catching up with old friends.

I skyped with my friend Brittany, who is this amazing, amazing friend of mine. She's teaching in Spain right now and has been going on all of these exciting adventures (she's heading out to Morocco tomorrow!) but still remains the same thoughtful, sensible, and hilarious individual that I know and love dearly. Bri's one of those girls who you can have a serious heart-to-heart with but never feel stupid. Lately I've been going through a lot about what I want to do with my life and even though she's a sea away, she still manages to reassure me that no, I am not crazy and that yes, no matter what I do I will be successful. Plus Brittany always has the funniest stories about the chicos in Spain, so it's always fun to get a taste of the culture :) (Core-100, much?).

Megan is another story. Megan Emily would probably be the queen of the Ya-Ya's, were such a group to exist. She is this bright, colorful, extremely entertaining ladysoul who is in Wallace, which is a little NC town right near Wilmington. She always has a wild story, cute shoes, and new hair to sport. Megan and I have this thing we do: we don't talk for ages, but somehow when we do, it's like time hasn't stopped. I'm reading this book right now called The Girls from Ames which is about eleven women who have been the best of friends since they were in the womb and are in their forties now. It's been so inspiring to read and one moment I'm reading about the spitfire named Kelly and the next thing I know I'm reaching for my phone, pressing the familiar buttons to dial Meg's number. The second she picked up the phone there was no awkward, "Hello?" the kind where you know the person who is calling (caller i.d., y'all, really) but still feel obligated to sound confused, but a, "Hello, lovely, what are you doing?" familiar Southern drawl that just envelopes you in a hug. With Megan there's no pretending. There's no judging. Actually it's the same for Brittany and Megan. I've never felt more relaxed when I talk to those two. Talking to Megan about weddings and people being arrested on the sides of the road and boys named Rufus made me ache to be in her adorable house that her mother decorated in an equally charming way, sipping on Starbucks and looking through old pictures and listening to music. We've decided to have a reunion of our own, Ames-style: the girls of Heilman Hall from freshmen year at the beach. So exciting.

After I got off the phone with Megan, I thought about the far-away and how sometimes when your friends are "far-away" you feel disconnected. I don't feel that way, though. After today, I feel more connected with two very special people who live in that far-away than I do with those who are close by to me.

I'm really glad that instead of going and going today, I stopped.


  1. good for you for stopn! Can we have a skype date soon? oh btw, I don't feel far from you either... oh, and did I mention you're amazing

  2. Hey there far away friend, whom I wish I was closer with. Sounds like your doing really well for yourself and what not. I think it's funny how sometimes you find people who are easy to talk to, and I think you're one of those people...especially considering the last time we talked. I should talk with you again sometime soon...that would be nice. How is down south these days? I would ask others but...nvm, not what I want to get into now. Hope you're doing well. Peace out, kid.

  3. kiran -- this post is amazingly sweet and kind. thank you for sharing, kiki!!! :) i love you so so much -- i really can't say it enough. thank you for being the thoughtful, constantly dependable, creative, and beautiful person that you are. you are truly one of the sunniest spots in my life! I LOVE YOU, BABY GIRL!!!!! can't wait to chat more soon. :)
